Enquiries and Complaints

Please note that the information below is provided by the Hong Kong Labour Department.

As Employer and Helper
1.  Where can we seek further advice or assistance regarding the employment contract or the Employment Ordinance?
2.  What services are provided by the Labour Department if I have disputes regarding the employment contracts or the provisions in the Employment Ordinance with my helper/ employer?

1.Where can we seek further advice or assistance regarding the employment contract or the Employment Ordinance?

You can:

  1. call the Labour Department 24-hour Telephone Enquiry Service at 2717 1771;
  2. approach a branch office of the Labout Reations Division of the Labour Department nearest to the helpers workplace;
  3. make reference to the booklet “A Concise Guide to the Employment Ordinance” which sets out briefly the main provisions of the Ordinance and is available at the branch offices of the Labour Relations Division of the Labour Department.

2.What services are provided by the Labour Department if I have disputes regarding the employment contracts or the provisions in the Employment Ordinance with my helper/ employer?

  1. If you have problems or claims arising out of the employment contract or provisions under the Employment Ordinance which cannot be settled on your own, you can approach the Labour Relations Division for assistance.
  2. The Labour Relations Division assists employers and helpers to resolve their labour disputes through the provision of free conciliation service. The conciliation officer will facilitate the employer and helper to reach a mutually acceptable settlement. If no settlement is reached and at the request of the party concerned, the claims will be referred, depending on the claim amount, to either the Minor Employment Claims Adjudication Board or the Labour Tribunal for adjudication.
  3. If an employer cannot pay the wages in arrears or other payments on account of bankruptcy, the helper will be referred to the Legal Aid Department for assistance, and to the Wages Security Unit for making an application for ex gratia payment from the Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund.



職業介紹所牌照號碼: 76985