Things I Should Know

Please note that the information below is provided by the Hong Kong Labour Department.

As Employer
1.  What are the rights and responsibilities regarding employment?
2.  What should I do upon my helpers arrival to commence work?
3.  Can I concurrently enter into another employment contract with my helper?
4.  Can I ask my helper to work for another person or take up non-domestic duties?

1.What are the rights and responsibilities regarding employment?

The basic rights and responsibilities regarding the employment of foreign domestic helper are specified in the standard employment contract (ID407). In addition, the Employment Ordinance is also applicable to employers and helpers alike.

2.What should I do upon my helpers arrival to commence work?

  1. You should pay your helper the daily food and traveling allowance, of the amount specified in the employment contract, for his/her journey to Hong Kong. You should also reimburse him/her the cost of preparing all necessary documents.See Chapter 2.
  2. You are advised to explain to your helper the duties you expect him/her to perform. Such duties must be domestic duties as specified in the “Schedule of Accommodation and Domestic Duties”* of the employment contract.
  3. You should fix a date on which you will pay wages to your helper. See Chapter 3.
  4. You should appoint rest days for your helper. See Chapter 4.
  5. You should agree with your helper whether food will be provided during employment. If it is provided, it must be free of charge. If no food is provided, a food allowance of the amount specified in the employment contract should be given to the helper each month.
  6. You should take out employees compensation insurance against your liabilities for your helpers injuries at work. This is a requirement under the Employees Compensation Ordinance. Failure to do so is an offence in law, punishable by a fine and imprisonment.

3.Can I concurrently enter into another employment contract with my helper?

No. The standard employment contract (ID407) is the only official employment contract for all foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong. Any other employment contract entered between the employer and the helper is not enforceable in Hong Kong.

4.Can I ask my helper to work for another person or take up non-domestic duties?

No. It is an offence under the Immigration Ordinance to ask your helper to work for another person other than the employer named in his/her visa or to ask him/her to perform non- domestic duties. Employers found to have breached the Immigration Ordinance may face prosecution.



職業介紹所牌照號碼: 76985