
After Sales Support

For clients interested in providing supplemental training for domestic helpers who are already working in Hong Kong, we offer free, specially-tailored training courses that have been developed in partnership with Towngas. Courses last up to 12-months, and include guaranteed lessons of up to 36 dishes taught by top Towngas chefs.

We also maintain a large team of experienced counsellors and language translators, who can be counted on to provide follow-up counselling and translation services for our clients should the need arise.

Serving both Employers and Domestic Helpers

Beyond serving our Hong Kong clients, we are also committed to constantly improving the welfare of the foreign domestic workers who make our industry possible.

In 2010, we created Smile Club, a non-profit organization that aims to facilitate positive work experience for Indonesian helpers. Membership is free and all Indonesian helpers affiliated with Overseas are automatically eligible to join. Members can enjoy a variety of exclusive services and participate in fun activities, becoming part of a healthy and supportive social network that will contribute to successful job performance and satisfaction.

Smile Club

Employers are invited to encourage your helper to participate in Smile Club activities and use its free services. As of early 2014, Smile Club is the largest agency-supported NGO in Hong Kong with over 5,000 active members. We’re currently in the process of expanding Smile Club to include chapters serving Filipino, Thai, and Myanmar helpers.
To learn more about Smile Club, visit our Smile Club section or its Facebook page at facebook

Join Smile Club today!



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