Maid Services
Hiring Overseas Helpers

Hiring Overseas Domestic Helpers from locations that include the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia and Bangladesh.

Filipino Helper HK $11,980 & up
Indonesian Helper HK $12,980 & up
Thai Helper HK $13,980 & up
Bangladeshi Helper HK $9,980 & up
Specialized Helper HK $18,000 & up

Service Charge includes:

  • Consulate contract fee and processing fee
  • Foreign government documents fee and processing fee
  • Hong Kong immigration entry visa fee
  • Medical Checkups in Hong Kong
  • Document translation services
  • Helper’s transportation fee from the airport to our office
  • Assisting helper to report to their own country’s consulate and applying for the Hong Kong I.D. card
  • Replacement of helper ( once ) within first 12 months ( an additional fee of 70 % of the original price is required)
  • Complementary first year Chinese cooking classes of the Hong Kong Towngas ( Seating is Limited )

Our company holds valid operating licenses issued by the Philippines, Thailand, Bangladesh & Indonesian Consulates.